Listen to the Sounds Around You.
Are they healing or are they damaging?
More Important – What Can YOU do About It?
“Listen from the Inside Out”, is not just a book, there are 8 free downloads that go with it, as well as five videos and 17 audio clips, so you can use your new knowledge right away. “Listen From the Inside Out” comes with the tools to change your life and your experience.
Listen For Yourself
We have recorded two contrasting tracks of sounds for you to listen to.
The first is of a busy restaurant, with city traffic in the background. It’s a little hard to listen to, so feel free to turn it off after a few seconds
The second is a 30 second track of birdsong, with water percolating in the background. Most people find this track calming and very easy to listen to.
These sounds affect your health …
your heartbeat …
and your breathing.
Learn to use use sound as an integral part of your day. With the knowledge of the right tools and how to use them, you are no longer at the mercy of the sounds around you. Our new book Listen from the Inside Out: an Everyday Guide to the Secrets of Sound Healing is a your powerful solution!
Did you know that within minutes of walking into a store where music playing, your heartbeat automatically matches the beat of the music. There is no way to stop it. There is no off switch. Even your mood is being controlled so that you will buy more.
Not convinced? What about that restaurant you go to, where the music is so loud you have to yell at your companion to be heard. Notice how much faster you eat and then you leave sooner? Now the restaurant can fill your table again.
A ground breaking study published in the “Journal of Marketing,” found that slow music was much more effective in supermarkets than fast music. Stores that adopted this strategy said, “people stayed in the store longer and sales increased by almost 40%”. You are likely to spend more than you intended to, even if you are not paying attention to the music.
You will Benefit by making Sound an Integral part of your day!
With the book Listen From the Inside Out, You will Learn:
How to get instant Stress relief, discover your body’s perfect sound formula for relaxation.
How to Boost your immune system, lower your blood pressure and speed up recovery.
How to break through barriers to improve focus and concentration. Enhance your creativity, learning and memory.
Without the knowledge of the right tools and how to use them you are at the mercy of your environment. Listen from the Inside Out: an Everyday Guide to the Secrets of Sound Healing is your powerful solution. Buy it today, and free yourself!
Sound Healing has been used for thousands of years to balance mind, body, emotions and spirit. But these methods have been known only to a select few. Now you can have them in one simple, easy to read book. You can:
Relieve your Stress in 10 minutes or less
Get relief from your pain
Effortlessly create “the relaxation response”
Boost your immune system
Lower your blood pressure
Speed up recovery from surgery
Improve your focus and concentration
Enhance creativity, learning and memory
You can quickly adopt the simple techniques in Sharon’s book Listen From the Inside Out. You deserve harmony and balance. This can be your natural way of being. It is as easy as reading and completing the simple exercises. . . Get your copy today.
You Don’t Have to Spend a lot to Learn the Secrets of Sound Healing.
How much money have you spent trying to find the right method to solve challenges in your life? Trying different methods, programs and teachings can cost you plenty. It costs much less when you know what works for you. Save your time and money by knowing the facts first.
Sound Healing has been practiced for thousands of years. And Science is now verifying the tangible benefits of these practices. Now it’s your turn to benefit from these secrets. You don’t have to spend a lifetime to uncover the secrets of Sound Healing, Sharon has already done that for you.
You can have what you need today!
Think of Listen from the Inside Out as a buffet with plenty of choices, you can try all of them and choose your favorites. And – you get the recipe, the exact method that produces results for you. Find out how sound therapy works so that you can apply your knowledge to your everyday life.
“A comprehensive compendium
of information, exercises and
personal experiences that encompasses
the wisdom tradition of both
modern scientific and ancient
spiritual approaches to sound healing.
Highly recommended
for anyone interested in the
transformational power of sound!”
Jonathan Goldman,
“Listen from the Inside Out”, is not just a book, there are 8 free downloads that go with it, as well as five videos and 17 audio clips, so you can use your new knowledge right away. “Listen From the Inside Out” comes with the tools to change your life and your experience.
Use the Downloads to:
- Boost your immune system fast with a recording of “the Perfect 5th” tuning forks.
- Get grounded in just 5 minutes with an audio created with a “frosted classic crystal singing bowl”.
- Your own guided tour through Brainwave frequencies and how they powerfully and instantly affect change in your mind.
- Open your heart with our gold-platinum singing crystal bowl recording.
Plus over a dozen more audio and video helpers…
Take a moment to listen how Cindy Johnston of Spiritual Solutions, Inc. uses sound to help her through the day.
Listen from the Inside Out: an Everyday Guide to the Secrets of Sound Healing is your personal security screen. Inside are the creative methods to smooth troubled water and calm the sea storm within. Peace is what you deserve, get it today.
The whole field of sound therapy and sound healing is exploding and is loaded with powerful tools that you can use in the moment to bring harmony to discord. Sometimes one thing works better in a given situation than another. So the more tools you have in your pouch, the better.
This practical guide is yours for only $8.95 Cdn as an e-book,
and just $24.95 in Soft Cover.
Don’t wait to learn the secrets of Sound Healing, change your life now.
To Find your Unique Sound Healing Breakthrough…
You Need an Experienced Guide.
You can spend thousands of dollars on CD’s, books, and classes before you discover what really works for you. Everyone is different; your response to sound is as unique as you are. Can you afford to guess and spend countless hours and dollars for methods that may work for other people but not for you?
Sharon Carne, BMus, M.F.A., has been a faculty member of The Conservatory at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta since 1988. In addition to many years of personal research on sound and energy healing, Sharon has received training from sound healing pioneers, Jonathan Goldman and Tom Kenyon. She is a certified Sound Healer, certified Acutonics® practitioner and Reiki master.
Sharon has presented for the National Health, Work and Wellness conference, the Integrative Health Institute at Mount Royal University, the past three years for the University of Calgary Medical School, the Calgary Health Region, the Manitoba Health Region, the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the past three years for the City of Calgary, the Northwest Guitar Festival, private corporations, and others.
Sharon Carne’s passion for healing sound has its foundation in a successful 30-year career performing and teaching the classical guitar. The combination of her expertise in music and sound, spiritual transformation and inner guidance has led Sharon to share her soul work.
When you buy Listen from the Inside Out: an Everyday Guide to the Secrets of Sound Healing you learn how to dissolve stress and experience how sound heals.
Sharon has personally recorded fifteen free video and audio tracks to support you in learning how to use sound. Plus you get additional bonus tracks if you want help right now: “Reset” is a 12 minute track to reset your body, mind, emotions and spirit to back to balance and to strengthen your immune system. “Daily Serenity” an 11 minute track to create a sense of calm when you need it. Perfect meditations to get you on track
Yes, “Send me my copy of
Listen from the Inside Out;
an Everyday Guide to the Secrets of Sound Healing”
And just for visiting, we invite you to listen to these two tracks from my CD Daily Serenity:
My intention in creating “Reset” is to allow people to ‘reset’ their body, mind, emotions and spirit to a higher vibration (and stronger immune system). It is 12 ½ minutes long.
The sounds in Reset are:
- softly running water to calm the emotions, mind and body
- the Medicine Buddha mantra for healing at all levels
- the perfect 5th tuning forks tuned to C (256 Hz) and G (384 Hz). For more information about the phenomenal effect of this sound click here.
- tuning fork tune to 528 Hz (used by genetic engineers to repair DNA)
- diamond/rose quartz singing crystal bowl
Daily Serenity
Daily Serenity is an 11 ½ minute track I recorded in February, 2010 to help you create peace of mind. It includes a track of the classical guitar repeating all of the tones for the chakras, to clear and balance the listener’s chakra system. Also included is a track of native flute. In the background you will hear a gentle brook and birds singing. The guitar and flute are tuned to A432 Hz instead of the usual A440. The frequency of 432 Hz. is a multiple of the frequency of the earth. Many people find this recording grounding, calming, focusing and ‘ahhhh, that feels better.’
p.s. These two tracks are included as downloads when you purchase ‘Listen From the Inside Out!’
Plus my companion audio and video clips specially designed to get results from what you learn…… fast!